My studio can accommodate sculpture at most architectural scales although, for reasons of correct bedding or convenient handling, large sculptures are often built up from smaller blocks.

Replacing damaged and eroded stonework with the best possible recreation of the original design calls for a knowledge of historical carving styles and sometimes a little research.
I used a pointing instrument to make a fair copy of this ‘trophy group’ (representing captured armour) for the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. Two blocks of horizontally bedded Portland stone were stacked to ensure the 1.8m high sculpture is correctly bedded. I had to compensate for heavy erosion. A trip to the Tower of London Armoury helped to identify the weapons of naval warfare.
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Click here for more about the craft of carving
I used a pointing instrument to make a fair copy of this ‘trophy group’ (representing captured armour) for the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. Two blocks of horizontally bedded Portland stone were stacked to ensure the 1.8m high sculpture is correctly bedded. I had to compensate for heavy erosion. A trip to the Tower of London Armoury helped to identify the weapons of naval warfare.
Click here for more restoration projects
Click here for more about the craft of carving