stone carving
As a craftsman my job is to realise your intentions in stone, working from your own design, or developing a concept from scratch.

This might start with loose pencil-and-paper sketches (or tablet-and-Illustrator for more rapid communications), and then move to AutoCAD to ensure a perfect fit with the architectural setting. A clay model to scale might be used to establish how much projection is needed, and where the joints are best placed.
This phoenix head forms part of a large pediment sculpture for a new home, realised in three dimensions from motifs chosen by the client, to suit the radical classicism of the architecture - click below for more detail.
For individual clients I have designed and installed new fireplaces, bird baths, sundials, name plates and garden benches.
Click here for new carving and design projects
This phoenix head forms part of a large pediment sculpture for a new home, realised in three dimensions from motifs chosen by the client, to suit the radical classicism of the architecture - click below for more detail.
For individual clients I have designed and installed new fireplaces, bird baths, sundials, name plates and garden benches.
Click here for new carving and design projects